Easily control and optimize cloud spend

CIO COCKPIT FinOps: IT Financial Management for Cloud and SaaS

FinOps is a framework for cost management, especially for cloud services. Companies that use IT services from the cloud and as SaaS – like other companies – must act in a financially responsible manner. FinOps enables IT managers to make informed decisions about the performance, quality and cost of their cloud-sourced IT services. Efficient use of the cloud can increase revenue and make the best investment decisions. With CIO COCKPIT FinOps, we offer an easy-to-use IT Financial Management solution that consolidates cloud costs: you get cost transparency, visualized analysis and can optimize your cloud costs through the FinOps framework.

CIO COCKPIT FinOps: Cloud Cost Management on autopilot

  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps is an IT Financial Management solution that enables simple cloud cost control.
  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps is easy to use and provides guided processes for cost evaluation and planning.
  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps brings people with and without budget responsibility from IT controlling, purchasing and business to the same table through predefined roles.

CIO COCKPIT: FinOps Dashboard

Best usability and clarity: By means of the integrated dashboard, users keep track of all cost centers, their status and the resulting measures.

CIO COCKPIT Essentials FinOps consolidates, automates and optimizes

  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps makes data consolidation simple and clear.
  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps provides automated import of cloud and SaaS costs.
  • CIO COCKPIT FinOps optimizes cloud and SaaS resources for productivity and helps with budget planning.

Three reasons for CIO COCKPIT FinOps

  1. Record, visualize and communicate costs in an understandable way: Follow the IT Financial Management approach: Know costs, plan costs and optimize costs.
  2. High level of automation: Work in a time-saving and structured manner by spending less time on Excel and manual activities.
  3. Flexibly adaptable to individual requirements: Whether CFO, IT controller, cloud manager or CIO – adapt the solution individually to your specific role in the airport.